Saturday, October 18, 2008

mysql 5 server install on Debian:

Install packages from apt:

#apt-get update
#apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin

Set root's password:

#mysqladmin -u root password $new_password

Login to check:

#mysql -u root -p


Now you can use a browser to manage SQL databases with phpmyadmin via http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I'm going to use some of Google's storage space to house some of my work notes. Most of this will be how-to's and checklists for Linux administration chores that I don't do often enough to memorize or which might save someone else a little search time. Feel free to comment and edit if you catch errors in my procedures and I will correct them as soon as possible. Also, as the vast majority of this material will be aggregated from other sources, feel free to comment if you feel something here deserves better citation. This intended to be a reference for my personal use, not a representation of original writing.